Medellín, Colombia
Hi. My name is Luz Miryam Herrera Vergara I from Medellín Colombia and in this moment I am living in Bogotá Colombia. I am secretary of educatión faculty in Sabana University, It is located in Chía,Cundinamarca. I am secretary of the Magister in Education and The Virtual specialization. In Pedagogy and Clasroom Investigation. My abilities are dictating letters, Memorandum and prepare everything related to both internal and external correspondence. I can Also manage Scolaris programs for students at the Magister and Moodle for students at the Virtual Specialization. I am glad to respond to the general public, I Characterize for being a kind person and collaborator,Im very responsable, nice and still. I have good relationships with my colleagues working I like to handle the philosophy of teamwork. My favorite sport is play basketball and I like dance and listen music.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



In the cultural week at the University of sabana.

We attended two activities:

SHOOTING STARS IN TURKEY, headed by Mr. Yunus Yaman.
We speak your beautiful country of Turkey, its culture and traditions we also showed a variety of very beautiful photos to better understand this country.

Another activity which was assisted in AN ENCOUNTER WITH CLASSICAL MUSIC

It was a beautiful concert directed that the bilingual school, his band is play music colombia "
Played several topics including:
Pachito de Che
Musical Talent
San juanero
With my friends parrandiando
Step double.

It was very pleasant and admire the musical talent of this group of children.

KYUV The Capital
Fundada en 1945

Our teacher Liubava professor, spoke to us of Ukrainian country.
Ukraine is an interesting and beautiful country is its capital Kyiv its population is approximately 47 million people and 337 universities
Its main products are wheat, electricity and trade.
His National flag is blue and yellow that is related to a hearing on his horizon of a heaven
immense blue and the large amount of wheat.
Its major artists in the music that the outstanding Ruslana who won the 2004 Eurovision festival with its theme Will dance.

Ukraine is a beautiful country I hope to know someday.

These are some of the most prominent photos.

This is mapaucrania

Thursday, May 8, 2008


There are several types of housing. I want to talk about the types of housing in Colombia. The types of housing in Colombia vary depending on the climate zone. For example in the Colombian Caribbean coast the homes have very high ceilings in order to have aeration, this happens also in hot areas such as the eastern plains.

In the cold zone the houses are characterized by using materials such as bricks that give a little more than shelter to the houses and the roofs do not exceed the two meters high.

In the big cities like Bogotá and Medellín the apartments abound. These vary in size and quality finishes. They can be luxurious or simple. In recent years have been imposed ways of living according to the need, so for example there are housing solutions that fit the budgets.

The most important for me is to live in a comfortable place the rest is embellishment.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


OK. Let's talk about the typical Latin American food. Let's start with Mexico. In Mexico there are countless dishes but the most recognized are "chilaquiles soybean." This is a kind of very spicy beans. It is traditional tequila and indeed any food can be left without the spicy chili.

Let’s go downhill. In central America, the food is very similar. Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama has a varied cuisine, but perhaps the dish that distinguishes the "Gallo pintao" a kind of mixture of rice fried with onion, green pepper and red beans cooked with garlic.

In Colombia, thanks to its range of climates there are several dishes. In the northern not to be missed the "banana green sancochado" in the downtown area and the ajiaco and tray paisa in the southern part of the country eats Cuy, a kind of mouse… Well, in Colombia there is a lot of food but I am with the tray paisa which is a collection of delicious things: bananas, rice, egg, avocado, sausage, meat… hummm. Best continue.

In Ecuador as in Colombia there are several thermal areas. But the traditional dishes of Ecuador are the so-called "Humitas" which is a kind of mass composed of corn tender and bruised. This dish is eaten in the central part of Ecuador.

Let us continue to south. In Peru and Bolivia the food is similar. In these two countries, there are countless recipes, but perhaps the most representative dish is "carapulcra" is the oldest dish. In fact, it is an indigenous food that is prepared with boiled potatoes and dried meat guisada with pork and chicken, chili, garlic and other spices.

Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay share similar tastes delicacies. The countries of the southern cone of Latin America have different ways of preparing meat. The meat not to be missed at the tables of the Argentines. Another typical food in argentina is the alfajor is a biscuit filled with Arequipa and various flavors of cream and chocolate covered. is delicious they recommend

As you can see the typical foods of Latin American countries is delicious.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Activities Music

Let's talk about music: I like romantic music, pop Latin,Italian y ballad American and dominican merengue. My favorite singer is Alberto Plaza,Celine Dion and Elton John

In Colombia there are many rhythms highlights are: the joropo, the whirlwind, mapale, cumbia, sanjuanero. They all belong to the Colombian folklore.

At present, the music has diversified. There are many styles and rhythms. Those who now dominate most globally are: rock, pop. In Latin America also won in the last years reggeton a genre of music that I do not like at all.

In my country there are few fesstivals music, perhaps the most recognized is the Mono nuñez who is of Colombian music and andina instrumental music. In the month of August in bogota there Rock the Park ...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Group y Profiles

The Girls today

We are three girls who work at the University of Sabana in different faculties Merlin and Diana at the Faculty of Psychology and Light Miryam in the Faculty of Education. We are secretaries to look forward to moving forward and achieve our goals is for this reason we decided to study English and we are very happy despite the effort we make to attend classes without neglecting our work.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Daily routine:

A routine actions are continuing to develop in the day. Basically a routine becomes the way we play in the lively daily

Every day I get up at six o'clock, I bath, breakfast, I go to Mass I am go to work and arrived at 8:00 am. Perform my work until 12:00 a.m. Lunch and continuing with my job at 2:00 pm and finish at 6:00 pm and then I go to my house.

In the weekends a go at the Simon Bolivar`s park for running and developing some physical exercises. Organize some things in my house and if I have time I go to the movies with my friends or shoping.


value is an esencial element for construction of the society. Moreover, the values add human dignity to our lives.

I`m generous, happy, I have common with the other people, I`m tolerant and gratefull and reponsability.

I admire when the people are sincere becouse this value is really very scarse today in the society.

Becouse the values show the way to follow in order to achieve a good coexistence.

Colombia is a country with generous, nice and happy people.

Many countries have similar values, because the values are universal an they are innate in every one.